Number one is if the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Oftentimes when you place your order, right at the end, hidden fees appear on there and so you're paying more for what you thought was a low priced item. You're paying just as much as you would if you went to a florist in your town.
Two is to make sure you are ordering from your local florist. Oftentimes, there's deceptive order gatherers who pretend that you're in your city but are really not. So, if you are wanting to order from somebody local, really check the contact section of the website and see if there is a street address in your city. Oftentimes, they're not in your city and will be either shipping your flowers or they may not follow through with the date that you're wanting your delivery to be made.
Number three is make sure the flowers are actually going to be designed in a vase. Florists that are not in your city or that are not real florists with the location ship flowers in boxes with the vase separate. People do not want to have to design their own flowers. If you call your local florist, you will get a beautifully designed arrangement delivered to your door.
I hope that this helps you with ordering flowers online. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thank you.