Friday, November 20, 2015

How To Build A Succulent Terrarium (DIY)

Hi, I'm Julie Klingaman from Grohe Florist, and today I'm going to be making terrariums. First of all, you need to pick plants that you want to use. You can do small plants and then you need to pick a glass container. I'm doing open air terrariums, so there's a little air that can get in, but you can also do closed ones as well. I have one here that I've already pre made that you can see is an open air, and it's got the small ferns and splash plants in it.

Today I'm going to make one with succulent plants. So, I'm going to move aside the plants I don't want to use for this and I'm going to use succulent. So, first of all, you just need a container. You can do open or closed. They can be small or large, and then you need soil. I already put a little bit in a container, I like to use leftover containers to pick my soil up rather than shovels and stuff.

So, I'm going to put a little bit of the soil into my terrarium. Just put in a couple scoopfuls to start, and then I'll see if I need more once I start putting my plants in. I'm going to put my tallest plant in first until I kind of just squeeze the sides of the container to loosen it up... The plant up in here and then I'm going to take it out. And what I'll do is I'll kind of spread the roots of the plant from the sides a little bit and then put it in here. And I'm picking my tallest plants first to put them towards the back of my container. If you're doing one that's a little bit more open, you can kind of choose how you want to put them in, just to kind of get an idea of what looks best.

If you have a bigger container, you may have more dirt and you might not need to spread it out quite as much. And I chose to use five plants just because I think it'll fit my container. So again, you need to kind of judge, based off your container and your plant sizes, how many plants you're going to want in here to make it look good. And succulents are nice because you don't need to water them a lot, so they're really easy care plants. Alright? So now, I have all my plants in here and I'm going to add just a little more soil to make sure that they're all covered, and I'm going to try to get in here so I don't get soil on top of the plants as much. Otherwise, I'm going to have a lot more clean up to do.

And then, I'll just even it out, and then you can add accessories to your terrarium. So, if you're going to be going to somebody's house or you're having people at your house and you want a little decoration, you could put something like a little pumpkin or some fall leaves in there and kind of just decorate it. I'll show you here how that looks or you can change it out if it's Christmas time or Winter months. You could put pine cones, you could put little ornaments, you could put different types of things like that to kind of make them seasonal. And that is how you make a succulent terrarium. It's really simple. If you're not into making your own, you can call your local florist and they'd be able to make one for you. I hope that this helps if you want to make terrariums for yourself or for some hostess gifts this holiday season.

Have a great day.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Petal It Forward Campaign

Hi, I'm Julie Klingaman from Grohe Florists in Rohnert Park and today I want to tell you about a campaign that's sweeping across our nation called Petal it Forward. The Society of American Florists started this campaign at the beginning of the month. It's sort of like the pay it forward, but with a florist twist called Petal it Forward. Florists around the nation will be going to community events, handing out flowers, to show the joy that giving and receiving flowers brings to people.

For more information on Petal it Forward, you can either search #PetalItForward or if you want to find out when Grohe Florists will be spreading the joy in your communities, either follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook and we will be sending out updates for that.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What Else Can I Send With Flowers or Plants?

Hi, I'm Julie Klingaman with Grohe Florists in Rohnert Park, and I wanted to talk to you today about things that you can send with your flowers or plants.

The first thing is teddy bears. Teddy bears are very popular to add on. They're good for anniversaries, birthdays, and if there's new babies, most florists will also have baby stuffed animals that you can add on in pinks and blues to go well for the baby while you give the mother and father flowers or plants.

Another great option is chocolates, and chocolates are good for any occasion. Most florists will have boxed chocolates and they come in several different sizes. Again, like I said, they are good for any occasion and everybody, usually everybody, loves chocolate.

Another option is balloons. The mylar balloons, they come with several occasions written on them. So they can be specific to an occasion: Birthdays, anniversaries, any celebratory events or get-well. So balloons are another option.

And lastly are greeting cards. Greeting cards can really personalize what you're sending, so instead of the typed copies that most arrangements or plants come with, you can opt for a greeting card where the florist can hand-write a personalized note for you.

So I hope this answers questions of what some of the great options are to include with your flower or plant deliveries. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Power of Flowers As A Business Gift

Hi, I am Julie Klingaman with Grohe Florists in Rohnert Park. As business owners, we don't often know how to show appreciation to our clients or employees, and as a florist, this is where we can help you. Have you ever seen somebody receive flowers? It brings true joy to people.

Your florist can make it convenient and easy helping you find the appropriate gift for each occasion. Also, your florist can work within a budget that you are looking for and find the appropriate gifts such as flowers or a plant, or chocolates or even gourmet baskets, whatever works for the person that you are going to be sending to.

Once you make a relationship with your local florist, we can make the ordering process go very fast, all we would need to do is have a phone call or an email because we will know your style and what you want to send on card messages. So all you have to do is send a quick email letting us know who you wanted to send to and we can get it done for you, as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

I hope that you found this information helpful and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.