Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Power of Giving Flowers as a Gift

Hi, I'm Julie Klingaman from Grohe Florists in Rohnert Park and today I'm here with Ryan Perry.

Ryan Perry: Hi Julie. So big question for you. A lotta guys, we all know that if we do something stupid, we get tossed in the doghouse and it's a good idea to say, "I'm sorry", and include flowers. But there's more science behind the whole getting out of the doghouse with flowers.

JK: Yeah, there actually is a power of flowers. There's been research that has been done that shows that by sending flowers, as a giver you look emotionally caring, you look intelligent and successful, and people truly appreciate it and it strengthens relationships to actually send flowers, to give flowers to somebody. So not only did you get out of the doghouse and score some extra points but you actually made that person feel really special.

RP: Alright. So, and I'm assuming that doesn't just have to be then getting out of the doghouse, I would see maybe business opportunities, sending the appropriate flowers to people at business. Also social events, it's pretty common in Sonoma County to bring that bottle of wine with you to a social gathering. What about flowers?

JK: People love receiving flowers and I have heard from many people that they truly appreciate when somebody brings them flowers. Actually, some people love to have flowers delivered to their house before the event so that they can place them in an area and they're not put on the spot to get 'em in a vase really quick ahead of time. But, of course, any way you give flowers you create an emotional impact right away that brings instant smiles.

RP: Alright. So I guess, as guys, not only should we consider flowers as a way of saying, "I'm sorry", but also as an ongoing opportunity to score points, be perceived to be more, what'd you say?

JK: Emotionally caring, emotionally intelligent, and then also you're truly making that other person happy.

RP: And that's pretty nice when you can actually make somebody feel good, just with flowers.

JK: Yeah, it's pretty... It's a pretty amazing power that flowers have.

RP: Alright, very cool.

JK: Thank you. If you have any questions or comments go ahead and leave 'em below. Thank you.

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